Friday, August 21, 2009

Post card for a new gallery opening and show coming this September.
On September 25th I will have approximately 30 pieces exhibited in the Blue Heron Gallery, Milltown IN.

This marks an exciting new event for me not only by having the ability to show the number of pieces, but more importantly to kick off a new gallery in a small town filled with creative and welcoming people. My hope is this event among many others they have planned will spark an interest in the art community not only in the surrounding area, but reach out to collectors and galleries in Louisville to support this new gallery. If nothing else lets have fun, get to know each other have a few drinks and dive into the art which is my passion.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Do not forget to get a reservation at the Blue River Cafe for dinner. The food is incredible and so beyond what I ever anticipated!!!


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