If I painted as much as I thought about painting I would be the most prolific painter in history. However it may be a good thing that I don't and I let the creativity build to a working or action point - not sure I necessarily believe this but it is a good excuse when you are not painting. At least I save on supply cost though.
I actually would prefer to paint for more than I currently do and may need to create a little action - beyond the sketch book - to get that to happen.
Maybe we all do that, hesitate, second guess ourselves, a little too much in our daily lives - speaking for myself of course. If I were to take things a little less serious, not so critical on a made up potential outcome, I could be freerer (more free) to just do it.
So if the conversation in your head is "I wish I _________ more" maybe you should just do it!
I will begin working on this guy again both in my painting and in my life since it is the same anyway!